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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Prom Dresses and Home Loans -- Hella Hyphy!

Boy, am I relieved to be far from the reaches of mesothelioma that I was exposed to in NYC, but I had no idea what was going in the 'Yay Area' while I was away.

I came home and SF is overrun with these young urban professionals. If hear anymore about how easy it is to obtain a home loan after a maxing out your 401K, i'll puke.

Thankfully there are some people keeping it real in the Bay. When I took my sister shopping for her prom dress last sping, she enlightened me on the Hyphy movement. She has since given me a Hyphy Tutorial, keeping me abreast of the Bay Area hip hop movement that exploded while I was in NY.

Hyphy is to the Yay Area what Krunk is to the South. Im sure I could not explain it as well as my sister. Do yourself a favor, put aside a half hour and watch My Block: The Bay on youtube ( http://youtube.com/watch?v=VOXQT6xSk-8 ).

Get Stupid! Go yellow bus! Put on your thizz face at the side show! (Glosarry available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyphy .)


Blogger Michael said...

Nice ad placement. My gaze is totally drawn to those relevant ads like "Punk Prom Dresses" and "Surplus Military Tents".

gold star.

see you on Monday,
Mike D.

11:32 PM  

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