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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hella Hyphy!

There's a lot of buzz going round about the Hyphy movement. The most recent West Coast rap movement that consists of rappers Mac Dre (now deceased), E40, Keak da Sneak, and as with all Bay Area rap, Too Short has also endorsed the movement.

It was Keak da Sneak who keyed the term "hyphy" which just means really excited -- like when you get so excited your breath get real short "hyphy hyphy,' like hyperventilating or something. It originated in the Bay Area town of Vallejo, about 40 min. east of Oakland. The lifestyle glorifies Hip Hop - Yay Area style: cars, grillz and having a good time and the paraphenalia that goes along with it. In the Yay, we got class, we got style, and we keep it real chill, yaddaimean?

Check out this MTV special to hear how the Hyphy founders describe it themselves,

Thanks for your support of hyphy and this blog. Helps keep the mesothelioma lawyers chasing ambulances, yadadimean?

With grillz, sideshows (loading tons of people into SUVs on Saturday nights and caravaning around the bay area having a good time.) Donuts and ghostriding have also been known to take place. Not to mention thizz (at one time meant doing white grrl and e at the same time) but has now represents a larger club style music of the hyphy movement.

Also check out some up-and-coming hyphy artisits: Nump!(I gott grapes), Mistah F.A.B. (Ghost Ride It -- yellow bus, ghostbusters, patrick swayze), and Federation.